Industry Academia International Business Incubation Conclave (IAIBIC 2024)

Our Business Forum is dedicated to providing a cutting-edge platform for professionals across various industries. Explore our resources below and reach out to us for collaboration opportunities.


  • Platform to bring strategic partners from both the Private and Public sectors

  • Thought-provoking discussions and provide opportunities for new startups /entrepreneurs to establish their businesses and also promote the opportunities of the newly launched AIT Science and Technology Park.

  • The two-day program on business ideas, investor opportunities, and opportunities of mutual interest is delivered by top Industries, chambers of commerce and governments.

  • Breakout/ Networking session to facilitate collaborations under the AIT Science and Technology Park Initiative


❖ As a major annual event that provides the perfect platform for promoting AIT research and its Science andTechnology Park (STP) initiative, this inaugural edition of the AIT Business Conclave contributes to further enhancing our engagement with the private sector and reinforce strategic cross-sectoral partnershipsand startup opportunities for itself and its partners at STP.

❖ For researchers, the event would be the perfect platform to showcase their project ideas and create
opportunities for collaboration with entities from South and Southeast Asia.
❖ For participating organizations, the conclave provides the opportunity to showcase their work and have
access to our researchers’ creating possibilities for future research collaborations.
❖ The platform serves to nurture entrepreneurial initiatives and create new collaboration avenues that
could further utilize the benefits that STP offers and enhance AITs stakeholder engagement across the
public and private sector in knowledge domains of mutual interest.
❖ Promote Joint ventures involving academia and Business Enterprises


❖ Participating organization to include a diverse array of leading organizations from the private sector,
strategic stakeholders from the public sector
❖ Academic Institutions from South and SE Asia, Foundations, BOI partners
❖ Representations from Chambers of commerce, researchers and thematic experts and prospective
business entities
❖ Potential collaborations materialized during the conclave
❖ Prospective Entrepreneurs

Industry Academia International Business Incubation Conclave


The Industry-Academia Business Conclave offers unparalleled benefits through talks by business leaders, academia, policymakers, and industrialists, facilitating collaboration, innovation, and networking opportunities that drive growth and development across various sectors


Conclave offers immense benefits through its brainstorming sessions, which explore opportunities for collaboration in business development and manufacturing, fostering innovative solutions to various issues and driving mutual growth and advancement


The event benefits participants with breakout sessions that facilitate matchmaking and formalize collaborations, ensuring effective partnerships and advancing joint ventures across industries and academia.